I believe that children learn through actively partnering with their primary caregivers in daily routines such as diapering, eating, sleeping and playing. In my conversations with children I use behavior reflections (saying what the child is doing), paraphrase reflections (mimicking the vocalizations and using the words of the children), and affective reflections (describing how the child SEEMS to be feeling). I also use personal messages when the child’s behavior infringes on the rights of others, leads to destruction of property and/or causes harm to others and/or themselves. For example, you may hear me say, “You are standing on the chair. (Pause) I worry that you are going to fall down. (Pause) Please sit on the chair instead”. Personal messages used in this manner makes the child aware that an adult is nearby to support, understands the potential problem and makes the child aware of what to do instead. I also find ways to create a 'Yes Environment'. For example, this child who climbed up on the chair may have a need to climb up. The child's body is saying climb up onto high spaces. So, you will observe the primary caregiver providing appropriate choices. For example, you may hear the primary caregiver say, "You can climb onto the Pikler Triangle or the platform instead." Providing appropriate choices is another strategy I use in order to be respectful of the child's present needs. I strive to customize the strategy to each child as they are learning about these strategies and how the world works through these relationship-based exchanges with adults.